Saturday, May 2, 2015

handshake number 398

Originally posted on 4/1/2006

I can't believe this happened exactly a year ago. It seems like it happened like last week. Ok this story starts a few days before I got to meet Cena. I was checking around to see if he was making appearances in the area. After I asked my parents if I could meet him I was on my best behavior for like a week. I can be well behaved if I have some kind of incentive. Anyway I was really stressing out about meeting him. I really didn't want to act stupid in front of him. On the morning I got to meet him I couldn't sleep not because I was excited, but because everything kept waking me up. And I mean everything. The phone rang, I had a back ache and having to go to the bathroom. I think I only got 4 hours of sleep. I woke up extra early. I didn't eat anything for breakfast because I was too excited and nervous. When we pull up to the store I see this massive line of people. I get all upset and start freaking out.  It was a sight to be seen. I have to say since I had never really interacted with other wrestling fans in person. I waited in line all morning. It was worth missing my Saturday morning programs for this. Cena arrived at 10:45. When he arrived the people were all running to the front of the store to see him. Some people standing near me got a picture of him and they showed it to me. I was surprised that he wasn't wearing a throwback or his chain. My dad said because that is his "costume". Then some people with video cameras came and they were from the WWE. I imagined my self being on tv with all those other Cena fans. His signing/appearance was from 11 to 1. I almost didn't get to meet him. They said only the first 400 people were assured to meet him and get an autograph. I heard stories that sometimes he stays later and signs more stuff for the people. I didn't really think he could this time because he had to get ready for the Hall of Fame. Well I was his 398th person. I told my dad "And you wanted to get here later." Before I got to the door I thought of my objectives; getting a picture with Cena, getting a hug from Cena, and wishing him a happy birthday. When we were almost there and waiting outside the door and I was losing it. There were people at the door who weren't in line trying to meet Cena. There were also some other people they were letting in the store because they had to return movies they rented.
When I got into the store I couldn't see him at first. He was tucked away in a corner in the back of the store and it was pretty dark in there. The first thing they told us was that he wouldn't personalize autographs, but I didn't care. Then they said it was running long and we wouldn't be able to take pictures of him or with him which really sucked because I wanted to take a picture with him so badly. When I got sort of close to him. I pointed at him and said "I see him!". My heart raced knowing I was that close to John Cena. I have to say he looks the same in person as he does on tv. No wait maybe his arms look bigger in person. I noticed that on the table there were bunch of different colored markers, you know for signing different colored stuff. There were also a few water bottles and a cups of coffee. I was in such a daze when I got up to him I think I confused him. Before he could introduce himself to me I introduced myself to him. I stuck out my right hand for him to shake and stammered as I said " Cena!" I addressed him as "Mr. Cena" to class it up and make it look like I have manners. He smelled good like hand lotion. He shook my hand with his left I noticed that. I'm not dissing him this is what he really did. It was his left because my right was his left plus his hand felt clammy from all the signing he was doing since he is left handed. I remember the sensation of shaking his hand. He has a strong grip. His hand also felt very soft. He could sense I was excited and nervous. I couldn't see my own expression on my face, but I think I was blushing. I felt flustered. I asked him if I could ask him a question. Well it was more like a suggestion. I asked him what was he going to wear to Wrestlemania. I suggested he should wear a West jersey because he is my dad's favorite player. Cena said that he would wear a baseball jersey because baseball season was coming up. The only reason I talked to Cena about sports was because that was the one thing that I knew that him and my dad both like. The are both very knowledgeable of sports history. I was also taking to him about the draft. I said to him sweetly "Bye John! Represent!", and flashed the "W" at him. He was laughing. Then when it was time for the next person. Not counting my dad cause I took some of his time, but the didn't care he didn't even know who John Cena was or what he looked liked before he met him. Then my dad was wandering around in the store behind Cena. Usually when my dad acts stupid I have to get him in line. But then I looked over at Cena and I though "John Cena shouldn't see me acting like a brat". That would have made a horrible impression on him. As I looking at Cena and sighing my dad comes up to me and says. "You wanted to take a picture of him." So I pretend I'm looking at some display in the store and quickly snap a picture of him. Then we walked out of the store. I was upset because I forgot to wish Cena a happy birthday and get a hug from him, but I guess the hug will be the objective the next time I meet him. But I have to say Cena is a charmer since my dad thought he was cool and he's not really into celebrities, epically wrestlers. And Cena was probably the sweetest celebrities I've ever met! Not like that jerk Ryan Seacrest. (this is not slanderous I did meet Seacrest back in '95 and he was a jerk)

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