Saturday, April 11, 2009

Robot in the Bathroom (contains spoilers)

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Originally posted on Friday, September 12, 2008

Ok so I watched that Terminator show first the time ever. I had never seen any Terminator show or movie before ever. I think I watched part of an episode from the first season while NBC was boring me with like 48 continuous minutes of Olympic diving.

I thought I would just watch the show to see Shirley Manson's debut in acting. I have to say I was impressed by her work.

The show is ok I guess. I'm a little lost since I have no knowledge of it. I was just trying to get a feel for it. This is not the kind of show you just jump into watching like a comedy show.

I like the Catharine Weaver character. She is a total bitch. She had a cool hair style too. But the best part was when she was a toilet. If you did not see the episode this makes no sense to you, and is pretty much a spoiler. I'm not on a cruise, but I'm freaked out. You won't see anything like this on Gossip Girl. If you put in the phrase "Shirley Manson Urinal" in a search engine it comes up with some interesting results.

I feel sorry for that John kid. He had a horrible birthday, and I thought being harassed by a group of girls in your sixth grade class was a horrible birthday.

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