Friday, June 19, 2015

Almost a blog

Originally posted on 12/2/2006

Here are some topics I was going to blog about, but I never really finished the blog:

What is entertaining?
Ok I know it is hard for me to find new/modern stuff that I like. And I mean in a lot of departments like songs, tv shows and movies. I mean after I saw The Marine and didn't like the impossibility of it. When I wasn't enjoying the movie I felt like Cartman in "How to Eat with Your Butt" when he is watching a movie and he doesn't laugh and the whole audience gets mad at him. Like when I'm watching a show and I think it looks really fake. But this is coming from a person who wanted to know why Ariel (the Little Mermaid) had a nose if she lived underwater and why did Bert (from Sesame Street) have a stick coming out of his arm. I guess I'm too analytical when I watch things and I usually notice bad editing.
A suitable replacement
So I was thinking about more people who would be a good replacements for Bob Barker and I know nobody from the show will read this blog anyway.
Holly, Janice, Michael Berger, Greg Lee, JD Roth.
Kan yoo spel?
I know some people on myspace are not good with English, but why do they constantly misspell the names of their favorite celebrities? If they like them so much why can't they spell their name?
Survey questions I made up to answer
You know when you see those same old survey questions like "Cappuccino or Coffee" and "Right Handed or Left Handed". Those questions are so boring so I made up my own questions.
Favorite Winx girl: Stella
Favorite Powerpuff girl: Bubbles
Favorite Weezer song: Buddy Holly
Favorite Sublime song: Saw Red
Favorite Moby song: Southside (Gwen version)

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