Friday, February 8, 2013

Cinnamon candles and Raw cookie dough

Current mood:contemplative

originally posted on Dec 12, 2006
That probably doesn't mean anything to you but it does to me. Those are like my favorite things about Christmas well among other things. One of the main reasons I like Christmas so much is because it smells so good. I love cinnamon candles so much. I just love the smell of cinnamon in general, well except for the smell of those nasty fake hot cinnamon candy and gum. Those are just nasty and hot. Why does fake cinnamon candy and gum have to be hot? Real cinnamon isn't.
Cookie dough. Ok if you know me personally you know I go crazy for this stuff. And I mean the real stuff not the fake stuff. To me the fake stuff is the kind you make from a mix or the kind you get in a tub or a tube. I have an experienced palette I can taste the difference. I mean if you grew up with my mom you'd KNOW the difference.
Besides the cinnamon candles and the cookie dough there is a whole bunch of other things I like. Like the smell of fresh trees. I think fresh trees are a fire hazard and too hard to take care of and clean up, but I love they way they smell.
The candy I love candy I have a very severe sweet tooth. There is so much good seasonal candy I wait all year to eat it because that is the only time when I can eat it. I do wait all year of other seasonal candy for other holidays too.
The specials and I'm not talking about the ska band here. I love to watch those cartoons about Santa and other holiday characters who save or find the meaning of Christmas and all that stuff. I makes you feel all good inside and even make you cry a little.
I love Christmas or should I call them "holiday" commercials all the good ones for exclusive toys that are at Toys R Us, cologne commercials which I hardly ever see any more. All those ones I liked for Stetson, Bod and Body Fantasies and others. Don' forget those Chia pets "cha, cha, chia" and the clapper "clap clap".
I like seasonal items you know those gift item set things they only sell at Christmas time with cute little soaps or candles and stuff like that. I think some of those are really cool and I wouldn't mind getting one as a gift.
Along with the seasonal items comes seasonal food this does not include the candy I already mentioned. I view candy and food as two separate things. All the good stuff like tamales, turkey, turkey loaf, stuffing, cakes, cookies, pie,
I want to find the hottest B.B. gun and then annoy my yuppie neighbors with my hillbilly relative and his Rottweiler dog. Find out that Santa is real and use a snow globe to summon him. Realize what Christmas is and not try to mix it up with parts of Halloween. I also need to help nurse a sick reindeer back to life. Ok I'm not really going to do any of those things. Those are just parts of my favorite Christmas movies. A Christmas Story, Jingle All the Way, Christmas Vacation, The Santa Clause, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Prancer.

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