Friday, June 19, 2015

A fatal attraction to smallness

Originally posted on 11/7/2006

Ok so I went shopping today and when I go with my dad he wants me to dress very nicely, which I really don't see the purpose of. He doesn't well I mean he doesn't wear dirty or stained clothes, but he doesn't shop in a suit either. Plus I see people dressed sloppier than me. We went to the Tower Records to get some deals. Most of the good stuff was gone anyway and it's only 30-50% off now so the deals are ok, but 70% is better. Luckily I didn't rip my pants looking for DVDs. I got a Tokyo Mew Mew manga, too bad they didn't have #2, 3 and 4. But that's ok my Sailor Moon manga collection is really incomplete I have #1, 2, 3, and 7. I got a CD with 90s dance music on it. Ok I'm going to come clean with this and profess my love for 90s dance music. I know it's not listed in my music preferences in my profile. Because I was a little embarrassed to admit I liked it.  It was kind of a little bit of a guilty pleasure for me. But I'm very picky about the dance music I like. It usually has to have some kind of lyrics, a phrase, or repeated words in it. I don't like the kind that is just continuous music with no words. I find it boring. Plus I didn't want to get all these stupid friend requests from clubs and DJs because of my music preferences. I got enough problems with the ones I have listed.
Later I walked past this clothes store in the mall and I saw this Harajuku Lovers (Gwen Stefani's other line besides L.A.M.B.) shirt in the window. So my dad insists we walk in and look at the clothes. The sales girl is bubbley and overly perky which creeps me out. So she starts asking me about how much I love Gwen and have stuff from her different lines, an how "cute" it is. So she shows me this sweater and I look at the price it's $76!!!! So she gives me a thermal shirt that is really thin which costs $72. So I go to the dressing area with the sales girl who formally introduces herself (handshake) I think her name was "Krystal" or "Chrissy" or something like that. She starts telling me about how much she loves Gwen and how she is an inspiration to her. I feel skeptical so I ask her how old she is, the says she's 20 and she was talking about how much she loves "Tragic Kingdom", no discredit there that's a great album. But I feel talk is cheap even among the No Doubt/Gwen fans. It just brought me back to high school when people would pose as No Doubt fans to be my friend. Plus she is a sales girl she can say whatever she wants to try and make a sale.
I won't call the dressing room a room because it was just room type place with a curtain and I hate the curtain. I prefer a door, but I'll take the curtain over a group dressing area/room. Plus she didn't close it all the way so I dressed in the far corner. It didn't have a mirror in it either. I have no idea why there was none. Don't you want to see how you look in you high priced Harajuku Lovers shirt? None of the clothes fit. They were way too small I could barely get the thermal shirt over my head, and I didn't want to rip it and have my dad pay for a small ripped shirt. The sweatshirt was too small too and the zipper was hard to use. So I left with nothing regretfully and thankfully. But I did leave the mall with a Harajuku Lovers item, a pencil! It fits and it's "as cute as a cupcake"!
As I'm writing this I'm listening to "Harajuku Girls" to get in the mood.

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