Tuesday, June 23, 2015

To Pocky or no to Pocky?

Originally posted on 2/6/2007

Pocky, the epitome of American otaku food. I think Pocky is alright, I prefer it over yan yan, but Pocky is highly overrated. If I had to choose between say Pocky and Twix I would go for the Twix.

When I was in an anime club at school the people in that club would consume massive amounts of Pocky. They would just sit there and down like 2 boxes while watching anime because of this the club would sell Pocky. I forgot how much it was, but they must've made a pretty penny selling it. I think one time during a viewing they passed around a box of the chocolate ones. I preferred to take my own western snacks like gummis and Fritos. One time when we (the club) were watching anime I was eating a bag of Fritos, and because Fritos aren't a very quiet food. As I was eating them I was getting dirty looks from other members. I didn't understand were they trying to hear the dialogue? It was subtitled. So I sheepishly put away the Fritos and sunk in the chair. I learned never to eat "noisy" food during an anime viewing again.

Tip of the blog: stick to quiet foods while other people are trying to listen and watch anime

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