Friday, June 19, 2015

We Are not Enthused

Originally posted on 11/22/2006

I went to the mall again with my dad and nothing really interesting happened. I was going to blog about the who trip, but I thought our encounter at the bookstore was the best part. When we went to the Borders. All I wanted to do is to see if I could get the Tokyo Mew Mew manga volumes 2,3 and/or 4. I can't get to the "T" section of the manga section because there are like 3 girls blocking it reading mangas. I know people like to read in book stores, but why can't they read in a corner or something and not block the books for people who are looking for them. Anyway so two of the girls are having a deep discussion about some manga, and I noticed I think I've been pronouncing manga wrong for like 10 years back when I first learned what a manga was. I've been calling it "mann-gah" but I think it's "mon-goah". If anybody knows the correct pronunciation of it please tell me.
When we get to the register with voulume 3 the cashier/only worker is typing something so my dad had to ask her what she is doing. She said she is making another name tag. I had no idea why she was doing that. So she proudly displays her custom name tag to us and that is says "romance novel goddess" on one side and "Josh Groban's wife" on the other side. I think I made a face like this Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Then she starts gushing over the guy. I was thinking "awkward!", but in a falsetto voice like that scene in Hoodwinked. I know I like Cena and sometimes gush over him, but what she was doing was way over the top. I've never written my name as Mrs.________ (fill in celebrity's last name). I guess it was supposed to be funny or cute, but to me it just looked sad. I guess it's cute to do that when you're like in Jr. High and like 14. She actually got mad because my dad and I were not familiar with Josh Groban. Personally all I know is that he is a singer. That's all I know I don't even think I can name one of his songs.
So my dad questions out loud why she likes him which I think was a bad idea on his part. But really when is he not being rude?
She got mad at us and jokingly said "Then you can't have your book." and I was thinking "I don't want it if you are going to act like that.". Then I should've slowly backed out of the store.
I mean that "you can't have your book" thing was not even funny. It was just "stupid". Nerdy people like that scare me. Nerdy people like that scare me, make me feel self-conscious and discourage me from reading books. You know it make you think "am I really that nerdy?" I don't know who was worse, the baldling Yu-gi-oh duelest who needed help on every card he played and wanted to meet Yugi, the guy who boasted about his Voltron collection and had a Pokédex at the opening day of Pokémon 2000, or the bookstore worker. Maybe I need Weird Al to confirm if I'm nerdy or not, or maybe the degree of my nerdyness.

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