Saturday, January 29, 2011

a 2 week late week in review

Originally Posted on May 22, 2006 7:46 PM

I know I haven't posted anything in like 2 weeks. I had a really busy fianls schedule last week. And that blog will eventually be posted.

Monday: There was somebody touching my hair in the seat behind me in the bus. I don't know if I've ever said this before, but I hate people touching my hair. I came to my math class late, but it didn't matter because I got there before the teacher. When I get to the locker room I see there is a big pile of dead flies on the floor. Then this lady walks in after me and freaks out at the pile of flies. For it being my last day for my exercise class it was pretty boring. The only problem is I have to keep exercising to keep off the weight that I lost. When I'm waiting for the bus this lady who is also waiting for the bus approached me and starts talking to me and feel suspicious. Then she tells me she wants me to buy some jewelry from her. Do I look like I have money?! I'm waiting at a bus stop with you! Plus I hate when people are just trying to sell you something for no reason. If I want something I'll go look for it. Plus how good could the jewelry be if somebody is selling it at a bus stop? It probably turns you green.

Tuesday: I couldnt sleep I was congested. Because of this I ended up waking up early. I decided to wear my hair in odangos, and it took me a while to style my hair. I was feeling sick all morning. My nose was running and I kept coughing. When I go to my writing class there is nobody in there again well practically nobody. There was about 8-12 people in there like last time. The teacher asked where some guy was and then somebody yelled out that he was sick, sick of the class. Everybody laughed, but the teacher. It's sad because a lot of the people she liked left. Hell! I'm sick of the class too! Everybody there is just done and spent. Then the teacher said she was not in her right mind. When is she ever? -_- She told us she was going to have speakers come to the class. I decided to cash in my absence. The teacher was dressed in all green. She looked like she was ready for St. Patricks day. I was feeling so sick I decided to leave before my 2nd class started. I really like wearing odangos. I was sad I didn't get any compliments on them. Since I was bored I was trying to list all the anime characters I could think of that wear odangos. Then the teacher was talking about some store she goes to, like I live in the same area as her. Then I was coughing when she was reading a poem. She got all mad at me, I didn't do it on purpose. She should be glad I actually took the time to come to her crappy class. I was feeling a little brash and I told the teacher out loud that I'd leave. She thought I was joking, but I was totally serious there. Then the girl who sits behind me says she would leave with me too. I was bored and feeling inspired by the odangos I was wearing. So I started drawing chibi versions of characters that wear odangos. That girl who sits behind me was looking back to see what I was doing. She was laughing at the chibis I was drawing. By the end of class I decided to leave. When I'm waiting for the bus. There is this girl fighting with her boyfriend on her cell phone. She was so loud. I don't know about people these days, but why would you want to yell all your relationship problems? But I've heard her just talking (no phone) she is pretty loud. I can hear her from like a block away seriously. Then I get asked for directions and called "lady" again! FUCK! And it was a different person too. Do all the stupid people drive around asking around for directions at 11 AM or something!?

Wednesday: I didn't get any sleep and I didn't go to school I was just too sick.

Thursday: It was great sleeping in since I "cashed in" my absence. I was feeling sassy I was wearing my new Cena shirt and I styled my hair in odangos. I know they really dont go together at all. I got to class just in time. The teacher said that women don't play fantasy leagues. But she's wrong I play the WWE one and now there are going to be new ones for women about celebrities.

Friday: Well I saw that creepy guy reading a magazine in the library. I knew he was late because he was still reading while I was leaving. On my way I class I saw him running, I on the other hand didnt care that I was late. I took my time.

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